The restoration works of the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela, with the horizon set in the 2021 Holy Year, are still proceeding at full speed. We are facing a 2020 full of works inside and outside the Cathedral. The Government expects everything ready by November 2020, with a margin of error before the entry of the Holy Year 2021.
2020 Restoration works
The Baldachin
Now it is time to work in the restoration of the baldachin. The idea is to begin in spring the recovery of the ornate temple that crowns the monumental structure built on top of the crypt of the Apostle Santiago – at least 6 months of works.
Other restoration works
As mentioned, there are works inside and outside of the Cathedral. We can expect works in the following weeks in different areas:
- Main chapel paintings.
- Pilar chapel
- A Quintana and the Holy door façade.
- Central isle roofs
- Cloister north area.
- Treasure tower
The Cathedral: hours and access
The Cathedral will remain open from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m., so it will be accessible to pilgrims and visitors, although some spaces will be bounded. Entry and exit through Platerías Square entrance.
Museum and Pórtico de la Gloria
The Museum and the Pórtico de la Gloria can be normally visited and both have the entrance through the Obradoiro square. Bookings are recommended.
However, the Cathedral roofs cannot be visited yet.
The Botafumeiro
Due to the restoration works inside the Cathedral, until further notice, there will be no Botafumeiro ceremony.

Entry and exit – Cathedral © Catedral de Santiago
Pilgrims’ mass
The pilgrims’s mass will be celebrated:
- Daily 12:00 noon in the church of S. Francisco, just 350 m away from the Obradoiro Square.
- Saturdays and Sundays – 19:00 San Fiz de Solovio church
Other Masses
Due to restoration works inside the Cathedral, masses are celebrated in other churches of the city:
- 07:30 h | 9:00h | 10:00 h Santa María Salomé
- 9:30 h Chapel of the Pilgrim’s Reception office – Mass in English
- 11:00 h Parroquia de la Corticela
- 12:00 h San Francisco – Pilgrim’s mass
- 13:00 h Santa María Salomé – Sundays
- 18:00 h Santa María Salomé – Saturdays and Sundays
- 19:00 h San Fiz de Solovio – Saturdays and Sundays – Pilgrim’s mass
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
- From 10:00 to 13:30 h Iglesia de las Huérfanas – Everyday
- From 16:00 to 19:00 h Iglesia de las Huérfanas – Everyday
- From 09:30 h to 20:00 Iglesia de San Fernando – Monday to friday

Churches | Pilgrim’s office | Tee Travel locations
For further details, you can contact us or visit the Cathedral official website
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