SPAIN INCOMING is the incoming division of Tee Travel and was the reason for our incorporation more than ten years ago. From the beginning, we set up as a wholesale travel agency for incoming tourists in Spain and our main customers are tour operators who send tourists from the leading European markets.
We have had detailed knowledge of Spanish tourist resources from the beginning and it has helped us develop and grow as a company, with the Way of St James (designated a World Heritage Site by the UNESCO) as our flagship cultural route thanks to its popularity and complexity. However, we still focus on and work with other cultural routes and resources in Spain and Portugal.
Thanks to our regular inspection visits, we keep up-to-date with the tourist resources we offer and the suppliers we work with. This gives us a great deal of knowledge and has helped us maintain and consolidate our customers over the years and expand to new markets.
Our offer includes holiday ideas that have been fully developed and that can be used as a base for designing customised holidays.
“Tourism is like fire, it can heat up your soup or burn down your home.”
(Oriental proverb)
Our tour operator customers are familiar with their customers’ profiles and requirements and we adapt our holiday offer to them as experts in what we do to create the perfect team.
We have offered responsible tourism for more than 20 years, allowing us to work in harmony with the surrounding cultural, socio-economic and natural environments. We work to establish criteria whose ultimate goal is non-mass tourism to avoid environmental impacts on the area that is being visited.
Our holiday philosophy consists of applying criteria based on respect for people, their environment and their culture as we travel. We also try to minimise the negative and increase the positive effects of our holidays. We also give priority to the well-being of people, including customers, employees and the underprivileged. We walk along the road to responsible tourism.
Nowadays, besides Tee Travel as an incoming agency for Spain and Portugal, the company also works as a travel agency that sends tourists to other places and hires bicycles for the Way of St James.
Over the last seventeen years, the TEE TRAVEL team has grown significantly and built a diverse, motivated team that focuses on meeting our customers’ requirements.

CEO of Tee Travel

Product Development Manager of Tee Travel

Vilagarcía de Arousa Reception Office
Avda. Agustín Romero 50, Vilagarcía de Arousa, Pontevedra, Spain

Sarria Reception Office
Rúa do Peregrino 23, Sarria, Lugo, Spain

Santiago Reception Office
R. Casas Reais, 17, Santiago de Compostela, Spain

International Department
Head Office

Camino en bici
Rental Bike Department