For those doing the Portuguese Way must be aware that on the stage Pontevedra – Caldas, the traditional route is suffering a temporary diversion to due construction works on the Medieval bridge of o Burgo in Pontevedra, right on the beginning of the stage.
Update 27/9/2019
The total closure of the bridge last July generated complaints among neighbors and pilgrims who had to go around the other two bridges to reach their destination. This cause the city council to enable a pedestrian corridor a few days ago while the renovations works keep going until February 2020.

The new pedestrian corridor © Faro de Vigo
The City Council of Pontevedra has announced that from today Monday, July 8th, O Burgo brigde will be closed to pedestrian traffic until further notice.
The need to speed up the renovation of the bridge, which started in March 2019, forced the decision of the pedestrian closure in order to meet the deadline set in the project and for security reasons. It is expected that they begin installing the stone paver and the new railing on the entire platform of the bridge, so they want to prevent the passage of people that could damage the newly placed stones.

Puente do Burgo renovation works © Diario de Pontevedra
The closure of the bridge will force to temporarily divert the Camino de Santiago towards the As Correntes bridge before returning to the usual route in A Santiña. For this reason, the construction company will inform neighbours and pilgrims’ hostels of the diversion.

Diversion – As Correntes Bridge
The renovation will continue until February 2020, when the Bridge is expected to be ready.

Future look of the Burgo bridge © Diario de Pontevedra